Saturday, June 02, 2012 @ 10:17 AM
time is an expensive gift. time is a kind of gift that can never to taken back once given and everyone have a limited amount of it. God being fair, gave all of us the same amount of time each day.
and because time is precious, you can truly see one person's heart when you see how they decide to spend their time each day. you can truly see what they place as first in their life as you take note of the amount of time they decide to spend on various activities.
for example, if the person is after money in their life, it would be obvious that most of their time would be spent on money generating activities such as work or doing investment. while if someone is after meaningful relationships, most their time spent would be on people.
how we spent our time reflects what is our topmost priority and there is just no two way about it.
yesterday someone told me, "i love you but i am just too busy right now" well.. that statement sounds oxy moron to me.
because if you truly love someone, you would find time for them. its not because they demanded you to do so but simply you would want them to have your time. you want them to be a part of your life.
you said you have to let go of the relationship because you are too busy.. well.. look at it from another angle, why wont you let other activities of your life go instead? why did you choose to let go of us?
that was how much our relationship meant to you. sad to say, is the most worthless thing in your life.
i was foolish enough to treat you as my top priority when i was just an option to you.
like what K said, "know that he lost the chance of having someone who would have stood by him and now you gain your chance of finding that someone who would stand by you"